Flyer Approval
Distribution of Flyers to Go Home with Students
Occasionally, outside, non-profit organizations are allowed to distribute flyers to go home with our students. These are limited to information the district believes will benefit our students.
Before distribution, flyers must be approved according to the following procedure:
- The flyer MUST contain the following disclaimer “This activity is not related to or sponsored by Santa Fe ISD.” This is not required if you are a PTO or Booster Club.
- The material on the flyer must be age and/or developmentally appropriate for students. The flyer must clearly promote an activity that benefits students.
- The organization distributing the flyer must be identified by the Internal Revenue Service as a nonprofit 501c3 organization.
- No fundraising flyers are allowed from groups except those sponsored by schools or the district.
- Your flyer is subject to approval by SFISD Administration. Only family-appropriate advertisements in accordance with SFISD Policy (GKB (Local))
- You must make your copies for distribution using the copy initialed by the approver.
Required Attachments:
- Copy of your organization’s IRS determination letter confirming non-profit status.
- Copy of the flyer, with the disclaimer detailed above, you would like to distribute to students.
This form and attachments may be emailed to OR delivered to : Reception Desk at Elizabeth Yaws Cowan Education Center at 4133 Warpath in Santa Fe, Texas.
Once your flyer has been approved, you will receive a notification via email or phone with additional information on how many flyers to deliver to each campus. For more information, contact Gina Welsh, Executive Director at the Santa Fe TX Education Foundation, at 409-925-9080.
Non-Approved Flyers
- If the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources does not approve a flyer, a copy is made with the reason for refusal and is filed for future reference.
- The Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, or designee, will communicate with the originator of the flyer.
- Any flyer from a profit organization requesting a fee for a product or a service will not be approved for distribution on district property. However, it is possible for the for-profit organization to pay for advertisement through the district’s Education Partner Program. The business should contact Gina Welsh at 409-925-9080 for more information.
The District appreciates the support of outside vendors who provide items of value for students who have successfully completed various District requirements (ie, perfect attendance, honor roll, etc). The District will allow distribution of such items of support of District initiatives and requirements to the extent items of value are offered for students as awards or incentives for completion/participation in legitimate District incentives, activities, or requirements and all other policy requirements are met. Whether a distribution meets such criteria will be determined in the sole discretion of the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources or designee. The District will not otherwise allow distribution of any advertisement of a non-district related event, organization, or business except in accordance with non-school material distribution policies and procedures.
More information about Santa Fe ISD policy regarding the distribution of non-school literature can be found in the Board Policy Manual in sections GKDA (Legal), GKDA (Local), FNAA (Legal), and FNAA (Local).
Non Profit Flyer Distribution Form
For Profit Flyer Posting Form