Season 3
Episode 3: 1-10-25 Welcome Back from the Winter Break
Welcome Back from Winter Break! In this episode, we discuss all the upcoming spring events, staying well and staying in touch with your child’s teacher, and delve into the 89th Legislative Session and what you can anticipate. Thanks for listening!
Episode 2: 12-13-24 Special Guest: Chief Academic Officer Rachel Harris
In this episode, Rachel Harris, SFISD Chief Academic Officer joins Dr. Bott to discuss attendance policies at SFISD. Dr. Bott and Mrs. Harris discuss steps in the policy and how parents can help with chronic absences.
Episode 1: 9-27-24 Special Guest: Chief Espinoza
In our first episode of the school year, we sit down with Chief Espinoza from the SFISD PD. We discuss the latest topic in education, threats being made at public schools across the nation. Chief goes into detail about prevention, consequences, and how to parents and the community can respond.
Season 2
Episode 9: 5-24-24 Farewell '23-'24
We want to remind everyone that there are SO.MANY.EVENTS happening in our district! Keep an eye on the website calendar and social media accounts so you don't miss a thing!!
Episode 8: 4-26-24 FFA Leaders and Officers
Tune in to the latest podcast episode of "Recess with Dr. Bott" as we hang out with our fantastic FFA teachers and student officers. Get ready to peek into the whirlwind life of FFA leaders and students. Discover who cracks the corniest jokes, who's always on the go, who's the fresh face in town, and catch up on the post-Galveston County Fair and Rodeo adventures of our students.
Episode 7: 3-28-24 Special Guests from the Education Foundation
Spring has sprung in Santa Fe ISD! Dr. Bott and Stephanie sit down with Gina Welsh and Jeannie Theilemannfrom the Santa Fe Texas Education Foundation to recap the gala and what the foundation does for our district.
Episode 6: 2-23-24 Course Registration and More
We sit down with SFISD Chief Academic Officer Rachel Harris to discuss course registration for the ''24-'25 school year. This process can be stressful for parents and students when they are trying to decide which courses or pathways to choose. Mrs. Harris explains the process and who to contact when helping your child make these big decisions.
Episode 5: 1-24-24 Homestretch
January to May is a busy time in and around schools! Tune in to hear about all of the events happening now and throughout the spring semester. It's a busy one!!
Episode 4: 11-17-23 School Bonds and Turkey Time
On today's episode of Recess with Dr.Bott, we sit down with, SFISD School Board Vice President, Eric Davenport to discuss the next steps for SFISD after the failed bond. We also get into a little turkey talk, jokes, and trivia! Happy Thanksgiving!
Episode 3: 10-27-23 School Funding and Taxes
On this episode of Recess with Dr. Bott, we visit with Alejandro Sanchez, the SFISD Chief Financial Officer, and Sarah Pfluger, the SFISD Tax Assessor and Sr. Accountant. They wanted to come on and help our community understand tax statements, tax rates, and school funding!
Episode 2: 9-22-23 School Spirit and Friday Night Lights
In this episode of Recess with Dr.Bott, we sit down with 5 students from Santa Fe High School. Take a listen as we discuss school spirit and what makes Friday nights so special!
Episode 1 : 8-25-23 Back to School 2023
Welcome to Season 2 Episode 1 and welcome back to school!! This week Dr. Bott and I visited with a couple of SFISD students, Emma and Marcus! We loved having them on the show to help us kick off the new season and school year!
Season 1
Episode 4 Closing '22-'23
In this episode of Recess with Dr. Bott, we sit down to recap the school year and discuss what is happening in the district.
Episode 3 School Finances and Accountability Ratings
In this episode, Dr. Bott sits down with school board trustee, Matt Crable. Listen in as they discuss school climate, finances, and accountability.
Episode 2 Athletics Culture
Special guest, Coach Blake Ryder joins us to discuss the climate of the athletic program and the future of SFISD Athletes.
Episode 1 Back to School
In our first ever podcast, Dr. Bott and SFISD Communications Specialist, Stephanie Lyssy discuss all things SFISD!